Gifted Evaluations

Gifted Evaluations

Your child may be gifted if he or she:

  1. Passes developmental milestones earlier than average
  2. Develops more advanced vocabulary than same-age peers
  3. Learns to read early
  4. Becomes easily bored with routine
  5. Possesses an intense joy and interest in learning; shows a high degree of genuine and deep curiosity
  6. Has a vivid and creative imagination  

Ways to help your gifted child succeed: 

  1. Ask your child's teacher to group him/her with other bright children for subjects he/she excels in
  2. Involve your child in enrichment activities that can provide social interaction, exercise and a creative outlet
  3. Visit children's and science museums
  4. Encourage storytelling by making up stories and staging plays
  5. Talk with your child and provide full and complete answers to show that you respect intellectual inquiry 
  6. Gifted children love to think and solve problems, so provide them with ample opportunities for doing so   

As a requirement to be admitted into some elite private schools and into the public school gifted programs in South Florida, a student must show evidence of advanced cognitive abilities.  Testing with a licensed psychologist involves the administration an intellectual assessment.  The required score to be labeled as gifted is 130; however, this may vary based on a number of factors determined by the school or organization in which the student desires acceptance.

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